What is happening here?
A neuron is a nerve cell that communicates signals to other neurons to make your entire body work.
It will recieve excitatory, or inhibitory, signals depending on what message it needs to communicate to the next neuron in its network.
A neuron has a resting potential of about -70mV. It is hyperpolarized and waiting for enough voltage to cross it's threshold of about -55mV.
With each excitatory signal, it will depolarize slightly and once reaching threshold, the neuron will fire an action potential to communicate to the next cell in its network.
The main excitatory neurotransmitter is Glutamate and the main inhibitory neurotransmitter is GABA
Phet Ineractive Neuron Solution
Pub Med Paper
Bozeman Science "The Action Potential" Youtube Video
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Art and Code created by: Anthony Sego